Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day Celebration

Cheshire is the only school district in our state that remained open today. Veteran's Day is observed on November 11 but because it occurred on a Sunday, the holiday observation is today. The school district believed that it is better to observe the meaning of the holiday while school is in session.

This school community organized a great celebration today.The fifth grade classes sang our national anthem and the third grade classes sang a patriotic song, My Country, 'Tis of Thee. Nineteen veterans were invited as guests. The school hosted a breakfast for them before the ceremony.

A panel of three veterans spoke about their experiences and answered questions from the students. There was a Vietnam Era vet, a lieutenant colonel who served in Iraq, and a sergeant who recently served in Afghanistan. All  of them spoke about life-long bonds  formed with their comrades. The Vietnam vet told the students that war isn't pretty. This holiday's intent is not to glorify war but to recognize the dedication to service. If these students were at home what would they be doing? Playing Call to Duty on X-Box? Cheshire Public Schools decided best.

1 comment:

  1. What a good way to pay tribute to all those who have served your country with bravery, courage and dedication! Interesting to read that the effects of their service has not ended once they are no longer actively in the military activity. I hope your young people can learn something from their generosity, even years after their duty is over.....Great blog, Robert!
